How To Hide Your Contact Number on Facebook

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Today I am going to show you how to hide your contact number from your Facebook profile. Or How to restrict other Facebook users from accessing your contact number.

So if you want to hide your phone number from your Facebook profile, you are in the right place.

It is important to hide your cell phone number on Facebook for a variety of reasons. First, your mobile phone number is private information and you should be careful who you share it with.

If your number is visible on Facebook, it can easily be accessed by anyone who has access to the platform. This could lead to unwanted calls or messages from strangers or even malicious actors.

Secondly, if someone were to copy and paste your phone number into a search engine, they could potentially find other personal data associated with that same number. 

Finally, if someone were to gain access to your account they could use your phone number as a way of resetting passwords or gaining access to other online accounts which may contain sensitive data. 

In short, hiding your cell phone number on Facebook is an essential step in protecting your digital identity and privacy.

Why Hide Phone Number

Hiding your phone number on Facebook is a great way to protect your privacy and keep yourself secure online. 

Although you may not want to share your mobile number with everyone, there may be certain people or situations in which you would like to give out your number. 

In order to do this without risking exposing it to the public, you should learn how to hide your phone number on Facebook. 

This can be done by editing the privacy settings for each individual profile and ensuring that only chosen contacts have access to your phone number. 

By taking these small steps, you can ensure that only those who are allowed access to your contact information will have it. 

So if you're looking for a way to protect yourself from unwanted calls or messages, consider hiding your phone number on Facebook as an extra layer of security.

Hide Using your Computer

If you want to hide your phone number on Facebook via computer, you can do it easily.

On your profile page;

  • Go to Facebook and login to your account
  • Now go to your profile
  • Go to the ‘About’ section
  • Select ‘Contact and Basic Info.
  • Then scroll down to the mobile number field
  • Click on the dropdown arrow to see a list of options.
  • Select ‘Only Me’ if you want to keep your phone number on Facebook private.

Once you have made this change, no one will be able to see your phone number on your Facebook profile unless they are logged in as you. 

It is an easy way to use Facebook without having everyone see your phone number.

Hide your Phone Number From Your FB Profile Using Your Mobile

If you want to hide your phone number from appearing on Facebook, you can do so easily through your mobile phone. 

All you need to do is follow a few easy steps and you’ll be able to hide your phone number in no time.

  • First, open the Facebook app on your mobile phone
  • Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  • Next, Click Personal Information
  • Select Contact Info
  • Select your phone number
  • Click on the dropdown next to "Who can see this phone number?"
  • Choose "Only me" if your want to hide your phone number from all FB users


  • Open Settings in the Facebook app
  • Search for "Privacy" inside the settings
  • select Privacy from the search results
  • Scroll down to How people find and contact you
  • Select Who can look you up using the phone number you provided?
  • Select Only me in the drop-down menu.

That’s all it takes! Now, no one except you will be able to view your phone number from now onwards when viewing or searching for it on Facebook. 

You can also use this same method if you want to hide other information such as email address or location from people viewing your profile or searching for it on Facebook. 

So now that you have learned how to hide your phone number on Facebook using a mobile device, why not give it a try today?

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